Department of Defense Guidance for the Use of Masks, Personal Protective Equipment, and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Rescinds Supplement 17. SUBJECT: Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM) 11-015 - Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) References: See Attachment 1 . In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5124.02, this DTM: Fully vaccinated individuals, as defined in the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)) memorandum, "Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 23) . History: Established by a memorandum of the Under Secretary of the Army, January 10, 1949, pursuant to EO 10007 . Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum Created Date: The deputy secretary of defense is in charge of the Defense Department's day-to-day business. MEMORANDUM FOR: SEE DISTRIBUTION . Directive-Type Memorandums (updated 4/19/2022) Click any column header to sort table data. Please ensure that this memorandum receives widest dissemination. This review was undertaken in response to a commitment that former Deputy Secretary Deutch made to Senator Thurmond in April . defense secretaries of the military departments chairman of the joint chiefs of staff under secret aries of defense chief of the national guard bureau commanders of the combatant commands 02A. [2] The previous most recent under secretary was Matthew Donovan, who . 07/31/2015. The LPTA approach is simple and straightforward. OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 5000 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301-5000 DEC - INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM FOR: SEE DISTRIBUTION . The guidance memorandum provided by then-Acting Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Brad Carson on February 24, 2016, applies in full to incorporating change 2, october 7, 2021 . ATTENTION TO OFFICE OF LEGAL POLICY. United States Code, Title 10 . deputy secretary of defense 1010 defense pentagon washington, dc 20301 -1010 . 259), May 21, 1948. The primary responsibility is managing the defense budget and executing the priorities of the secretary. • Under Secretary of Defense Memorandum, "Civilian Personnel Guidance for DoD Components in Responding to Coronavirus Disease 2019," March 8, 2020 1Executive Order (EO) 13991, "Protecting the Federal Workforce and Requiring Mask-Wearing," January 20, 2021. Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security The Honorable Ronald S. Moultrie was sworn in as Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security (USDI&S) on June 1, 2021. i. july 8, 2013 incorporating change 5, effective april 19, 2021. memorandum for secretaries of the military departments . Reference: (a) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment Memorandum, "Modification and Reissuance of Space-Available Travel Program Limitations Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019" December 7, 2020 Effective immediately, this memorandum cancels reference (a) and issues Space- 03. - Consider such additional matters as may be referred to it by the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness. UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE . . memorandum for chief management officer of the department of . 07/31/2015. The supplemental guidance provided by then-Secretary Hagel on September 3, 2014, as clarified in this guidance, also applies to both BCM/NRs and DRBs. director, operational test . The purpose of this memorandum is to facilitate implementation of interim FAR rule 2019-009, published on July 14, 2020, and effective on August 13, 2020. The under secretary of defense for intelligence and security or USD(I&S) is a high-ranking civilian position in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) that acts as the principal civilian advisor and deputy to the secretary of defense (SecDef) and deputy secretary of defense (DepSecDef) on matters relating to military intelligence and security. Director of Defense Research and Engineering (DDR&E) Lessons from the 1970s, Institute for Defense Analyses, IDA Paper P-4675, Alexandria, VA, January 2011. READ-AHEAD FOR SECRETARY OF DEFENSE OR DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE PC, Bilat, Meeting on [Topic] Date, Time in Regular Time, Room Location via SVTC or Zoom . 03. secretary of defense 1000 defense pentagon washington, dc 20301-1000 dec 03 2015 memorandum for secretaries of the military departments acting under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness chiefs of the military services commander, u.s. special operations command memorandum for commander, united states special operations . november 21, 2018 . deputy secretary of defense 1010 defense pentagon washjngton, dc 20301 -1010 . 22. On behalf of the American Warfighter and Taxpayer, support Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense decision making, selected DoD resource allocation, and immediate office management by ensuring accurate, concise, coordinated and timely tasking and processing of executive correspondence as the primary Department of Defense administrative liaison to the White House, National Security Council . SUBJECT: Advancement of Rear Admiral Kimmel and Major General Short. Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Memorandum, "Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel & Readiness) Deployment-to-Dwell, Mobilization-to-Dwell Policy Revision," November 1, 2013, hereby cancelled . The point of contact is Mr. Justin Walsh at (703) 692-3597 under secretary of defense for acquisition, technology, and logistics . In this role, the ASD: Accounting Policy Update for Triannual Review of Obligations and Unfilled Orders. Lloyd J. Austin III is the 28th secretary of defense, sworn in on Jan. 22, 2021. UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 4000 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301-4000 JUN 2 2 2021 MEMORANDUM FOR SENIOR PENTAGON LEADERSHIP . Dormant Account Review Quarterly (FPM18-02) 08/26/2019. The delegations only apply to authorities otherwise retained by the Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the DoD Executive Secretary as prescribed in reference (d), section 12, table 4, Item I. f. Establishes policy and priorities for, and provides oversight of, the Defense Intelligence Enterprise, including pursuant to DoDD 5240.01 (Reference (n)) and other SecDef and DNI guidance. Ready Full Biography Defense Technology Security Administration (DTSA) Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Defense POW/MIA. 08. memora dum for chief manageme t officer of the departme t of . (b) deputy secretary of defense memorandum, "stop movement for all domestic travel for dod components in response to coronavirus disease 2019," march 13, 2020 (hereby cancelled) (c) mod i to. OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 5000 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301-5000 DEC - INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM FOR: SEE DISTRIBUTION . SUBJECT: Defense Industrial Base Contract Considerations The Defense Industrial Base (018) is identified as a Critical Infrastructure Sector by the Department of Homeland Security (OHS) Memorandum, dated March 19, 2020 and amplified in the attached Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Sustainment) Memorandum to the Sedillos for Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, who may be reached at, or (831) 583-2400. Memorandum of June 3, 2022 Delegation of Authority Under Sections 1209 and 1236 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015, as Amended Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, . In this. This memorandum contains guidance to begin detailed planning. SUBJECT: Directive-type Memorandum 21-008- - "Senior Level and Scientific and Professional Performance Management System and Compensation" References: Code of Federal Regulations, Title . To ensure progress, the SW Mod SSG will deliver an implementation . Figure 1. In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5124.02, this DTM: DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 1010 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20301-1010 . These policies and programs are carefully designed to contribute to the long-term well-being of the armed forces and their military members. . chairman of the joint chiefs of staff . Current as of April 4, 2022 2 Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness. under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness chief of the national guard bureau subject: coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination for members of the national guard and the ready reserve in my. This memorandum makes the DoD's Personal Identity Verification (PIV)-Authentication (Auth) certificate the standard for access to DoD information . chairman of the joint chiefs of staff . Reports, fact sheets, memorandums and other Defense Department communications. under secretary of defense for . Under Secretary for Intelligence and Security, Department of Defense Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis, Department of Homeland Security Director, Federal Bureau oflnvestigation THE UNDER SECRET ARY OF DEFENSE 301 0 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20301-3010 SEP O 2 2020 MEMORANDUM FOR: SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: "Back-to-Basics" for the Defense Acquisition Workforce References: (a) 10 U.S.C. under secretary of defense for policy . Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Memorandum, "Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel & Readiness) Deployment-to-Dwell, Mobilization-to-Dwell Policy Revision," November 1, 2013, hereby cancelled . Ukraine assumed obligations under the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I) in 1992 as a successor state to the Soviet Union, and in 1994 joined the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear . mar 1 3 2020 . Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum Created Date: 10/29/2004 7:17:02 PM . e. Facilitates integration of Defense Intelligence and DoD support with IC activities. VOLUME 2B. under secretary of defense 1 100 defense pentagon washington, dc 20301-1 100 comptroller oct 7 memorandum for assistant secretaries of the military departments (financial management and comptroller) directors of the defense agencies directors of the dod field activities comptroller of the joint staff comptrollers of the combatant commands memorandum for secretaries of the military departments . NOV . Within the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) will take the lead in preparing for operations in the absence of appropriations, assisted by other offices as necessary. Specifically, I direct the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial . under secretary of defense 5000 defense pentagon washington, dc 20301-5000 intelligence. Exercises planning, policy, and strategic oversight over all DoD intelligence, counterintelligence, and security policy, plans, and programs. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff . From: Name, Title (for SD/DSD must be ASD or higher) Meeting Purpose: Articulate reason(s) for and desired outcome(s) of the meeting; 2-3 lines maximum. 1702, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment Dr. Colin Kahl is the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., Austin served 41 years in uniform, retiring as a four . MISSION. Acquisition and Sustainment, and the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering to lead implementation of the strategy through the Software Modernization Senior Steering Group (SW Mod SSG). under secretaries of defense . ASRB established by a memorandum of the Secretary of Defense, July 19, 1948, pursuant to the Renegotiation Act of 1948 (62 Stat. The Omicron variant of the. 02b. Organizational Chart for Office of USD (R&E) Sources: Adapted from Attachment 1, Department of Defense, Memorandum from Deputy Secretary of Defense on Establishment of the Office of The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, or USD(A&S), is the Principal Staff Assistant (PSA) and advisor to the Secretary of Defense for all matters relating to acquisition and sustainment in the Department of Defense.This includes the DoD Acquisition System; system design and development; production; logistics and distribution; installation maintenance, management, and . Memorandum, and DepSecDef Memorandum (References (k), (l), and (m)). Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum Deputy Secretary of Defense . 5000 november 13, 2017 memorandum for secretaries of the military departments general counsel of the department of defense fnspector general of the department of defense director, defense fntelllgence agency dfrector, defense security service In support of the Joint warfighter, meet National Defense Strategy imperatives through effective policy, guidance, and oversight to enhance the readiness of the Department of Defense, and optimize talent management and personnel programs, relevant training and education, world class health care, quality family support, and force resilience through diversity, inclusion, and equal . deputy chief management officer . Under Secretary of Defense Memorandum, "Administrative Leave for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination of Department of Defense Employees," April 14, 2021 Under Secretary of Defense Memorandum,. july 8, 2013 . Our Mission The mission of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy is to consistently provide responsive, forward-thinking, and insightful policy advice and support to the Secretary. Purpose. jun 2 9 2020 . 13556, "Controlled Unclassified Information," November 4, 2010 (c) Part 2002 of Title 32, Code of Federal Regulations (d) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics F. Memorandum to Federal Agency Drug Program Coordinators, Marijuana, Marijuana Oils, Marijuana Infused Products and . The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy ensures all military personnel policies and programs support the services and unified commands in accomplishing their assigned missions. 4000 Defense Pentagon. 4000 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301-4000 . jul 1 9 2018 . The point of contact is Mr. Justin Walsh at (703) 692-3597 United States Code, Title 10 . memorandum for chief management officer of the department of . deputy secretary of defense 1010 defense pentagon washington, dc 20301-1010 . 01. UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE. Washington, DC 20301-4000. This policy memo modifies the DoD Financial Management Regulation (FMR), Volume 5, Chapter 11, changing the Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection System WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301-4000. The delegations in this memorandum are applicable to operations that have a direct nexus to DoD COVID-19 response efforts. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff Secretary of Defense Memorandum, "Use of Masks and Other Public Health Measures," February 4, 2021 ( c) Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, "Updated Mask Guidelines for . secretaries of the military departments . Under Secretary ofDefense for Personnel and Readiness will report those proposed standards to me within six months from the date ofthis memorandum. under secretary of defense 5000 defense pentagon washington, dc 20301-5000 j 3 1 201 memorandum for chief management officer of the department of defense secretaries of the military departments chairman of the joint chiefs of staff under secret aries of defense chief of the national guard bureau general counsel of the department of defense Purpose. deputy chief management officer . 09. Threats from determined attackers—either cyber or kinetic—and climate risk must be tackled to ensure DoD can operate under contested or changing conditions, preserve operational capability, and enhance the natural and man-made systems essential to the Department's success. defense secretaries of the military departments chairman of the joint chiefs of staff under secret aries of defense chief of the national guard bureau general counsel of the department of defense October 26, 2021 . By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I hereby delegate to the Secretary of Defense the authority and functions vested in the President by sections 1209(l)(3) and 1236(o) of the Carl Levin and Howard P. "Buck" McKeon . THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 1200 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20301-1200 MEMORANDUM FOR UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (COMPTROLLER) MAY 1.6 2018 SUBJECT: Revised Calendar Year 2017 Outpatient Medical, Dental, and Elective Cosmetic Procedure Reimbursement Rates and Guidance The attached document contains the Department of Defense Uniform . (d) Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Memorandum, "Force Health Protections Guidance (Supplement 14) - Department of Defense Guidance for Personnel Traveling During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic," December 29, 2020 (e) Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Memorandum, "Force OUSD (I&S) Leadership Under Secretary of Defense for. OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 3000 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20301-3000 . References: (a) Department of Defense Instruction 5200.48, "Controlled Unclassified Information," March 6, 2020 (b) Executive Order (E.O.) A&S Goal Fortify and Protect DoD Installations. office of the under secretary of defense 3000 defense pentagon washington, dc 20301-3000 27 s yd. - Consider such additional matters as may be referred to it by the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness. THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 3010 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20301-3010 March 21, 2019 MEMORANDUM FOR: CHIEF MANAGEMENT OFFICER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SECRETARIES OF THE MILITARY DEPARTMENTS CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF UNDER SECRETARIES OF DEFENSE CHIEF OF THE NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU Gil Cisneros is the current under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness, confirmed by the United States Senate on 11 August 2021. Publications. ASD (SO/LIC) oversees and advocates for Special Operations and Irregular Warfare throughout the Department of Defense to ensure these capabilities are resourced, ready, and properly employed in accordance with the National Defense Strategy. memorandum for chief management officer of the department of defense . Policy Change for the Treatment of Proceeds from Assets Sold for Replacement Under Section 21 of the Arms Export Control Act. UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 4000 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301-4000 PERSONNEL AND READINESS December 19, 2011 . 23. By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I hereby delegate to the Secretary of Defense the authority and functions vested in the President by sections 1209(l)(3) and 1236(o) of the Carl Levin and Howard P. "Buck" McKeon .
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